Saturday, September 08, 2012

Lulu lately

Lately, Lulu tells us stories.  This is her favorite:

"[when] I was a baby, had a kitty cat on my bed.  Weawy coote."  (Our kids really want a cat.)

She also is in a Mommy-phase.  She gets really mad when I'm home and Eli tries to do anything for her (like, get her out of bed in the morning, or carry her downstairs, or rock her before bed).  We blame it on my trip to Seattle sans kids.  There was a bit of progress on this tonight and Eli was permitted to read bedtime stories.

She told us today that she likes "pink and purple doors and kitty cats."  (We had seen a pink door on our walk.)  She narrates everything, especially things she thinks her brother will like such as spiders, ladybugs, other bugs, and the advertisement on the Tube with Yoda.

Lulu got new "twainers" last Sunday and we went big as she was sort of on the line between sizes and so she looks a bit cartoonish when she wears dresses or shorts with them.

Lulu seems to really like being back at Paint Pots.  She's gone three days and on Friday afternoon her teacher called me to tell me that she loves Lulu.  As is part of Montessori, she has started to talk about her "work".  She identifies her teacher Miss Georgie as her best friend, and instead of "pouring water" (as last term) when asked what she did at school, she tells us that she "read stories".

As we listened to the "kitty on my bed" story this afternoon, Eli looked at me and said that it's amazing that she talks so much and always will...

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