Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Our last night in 23 Harbledown Road...

Hello my very sweet friends and family who are filling my inbox loyally and probably think I am not even reading the messages.

I am.  I am reading my email.

You are all so nice.

It's just that I'm so overwhelmed and busy!  Mom and Dad have been so amazingly helpful but there is just so much that is up to me and me alone.  But, here we are, Wednesday night with the packers due to arrive tomorrow between 9 and 9:30.  And mostly, I think I'm ready.  (That sentence there reminds me that Tommy admonished me last week that one never, ever begins a sentence with 'and.')  So there's that.

But can I also tell you something else? I found out on Sunday night that I lost the case I've been working on so hard.  It is killing killing killing me.   Whenever I remember, I feel physically ill.  I also feel fairly sick about leaving my job at this point.  (But I feel better when I look at the pictures Eli took of the beach in Muscat (it is looking fairly certain that we are going to Muscat).)

Also.  What about how Eli won't be home for a whole week?

Also again, how can I be out of photo space? I just got a message that I can't put any more photos onto this blog until I give google some money.  I don't know how this type of issue works in your houses, but this is solidly an Eli issue.  It would be very convenient at this moment if Eli actually read my blog because then he would know and he could put this on his to do list.  Instead, I have to remember to tell him.  What this means for you:  no photos for a while.

I had a parent-teacher conference for Lulu on Monday and one for Tommy this evening.  They are both amazing (of course), but (of course) this is a mixed thing for me at this particular moment -- as we are leaving their schools and their teachers and their friends and everything else.

Over and out.  I promise to write better posts soon.  When my brain is capable of focusing.

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