Friday, December 21, 2012

Hello from Cairo

You guys, we are having such a great time.  I am going to tell you briefly what we've been doing in this post so that I can keep track.  It is possible that more photos will be posted but dudes I cannot make any more promises about photos and then break them.  If you read faithfully you understand.

DAY ONE:  On the first day in Cairo, Hanh had to work and she arranged for a guide to come and take us to the National Museum.  We saw mummies, quite a lot of them.  The very first one we saw apparently had 'heavy battle wounds' so his face was completely crazy looking and I had a panic that we had paid quite a lot of money for our tickets and that in return we would have a five-year-old with nightmares.  BUT he did not care one bit.  We also saw the contents of King Tut's tomb and that was my favorite part of the day.  I mean, my god you guys this stuff was amazing and intricate and makes me feel like a TOTAL SLACKER.  Then, after Tommy begged for about an hour, we bought him a pen and left the museum.

Friends, I have learned about ambitious travel with children.  It ought not be attempted.

The outside of the National Museum (no cameras are allowed inside):

 Outside our car window:
 The kids at home in the evening (right before Eleanor fell off, totally Eli's fault):

DAY TWO:  Eleanor's nanny took care of Lizzie and Tommy (they got to go to a friend's house with a big trampoline), and Hanh, Eli and I went with the same guide to Islamic Cairo.  This pretty much means we saw the Citadel, the huge market, and three mosques (we skipped the rest of them, there are many, many mosques here).  It was really interesting but it was also really sandy and dirty feeling and I freaked out a tiny bit when a dog brushed up against me which is not how I normally feel about dogs but stray dogs in Egypt freak me out.  (A side note:  there are TONS of stray cats and kittens here and my children love them but do seem to understand how serious I am about touching them and how it is very, very forbidden.)


 Inside one of the mosques:
 Eleanor in Tommy's crocs, she loves shoes:

DAY THREE:  Today, we went to the pyramids at Giza.  They were impressive except the roads were tough between a couple of them and at the end of the ride both kids were threatening to throw up and Hanh didn't feel well either.  The pyramids were amazing but after hiking to the entrance of one of them, carrying Lizzie the whole way, I opted OUT because it creeped me out.

We saw some protesters on our way to the National Museum in front of the Supreme Court (or Constitutional Court?) and the police outnumbered them easily.

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