Thursday, December 06, 2012

Lulu's Christmas Show (no pictures yet)

The Lula was in her Christmas show and she was awesome.  She didn't actually say her line (which was 'thank you very much') but she did sing the songs and look sweetly pleased that all the grownups were so interested in the play.  She also spent about 45 seconds with her tongue stuck out of her mouth really far.  I have a photo which I will attempt to upload later.

In other news, one of my best friends who also happens to be my brother-in-law (that's called hitting the jackpot) is visiting us.  We have been very lucky in London to have Uncle Brett visit relatively frequently and even though his visits are quick they are really, really nice.  Also, he always makes me feel comforted about my career choices somehow.  Luckily, Uncle Brett travels quite a lot to the Middle East for work so we will likely continue to see him on a somewhat regular basis.  The only bad part of Uncle Brett's visits is when Brett and Eli start reciting parts of "the Family Guy" to each other and then they both laugh so hard they can't speak and are sort of crying and then the so amazingly funny thing is finally articulated by one of them (usually Brett, to be honest) and it's totally gross.  Why don't I like that show?

Mom and Dad made it home safely.  I'm sure they're feeling especially grateful for their comfortable seating and spacious home as our temporary flat lacks both comfortable seating and space.  Also, they are probably happy to see their dog.

And that's all I've got for today.  Tomorrow is busy with Tommy's school show (he knows every word of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' and sings it with gusto) and then Tommy and I are going to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, and then Eli and I are going to a concert (Stars).  YAY.

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