Monday, January 14, 2013

Day Three

It was a better day today.  Phew.

We took Tommy to school and stayed for the Elementary School coffee morning.  The principal and teachers who talked seemed fine and I got to chat with a couple of mothers afterward.  They were very nice and it is clear that there is a community for me at that school if I want it.  (Obviously, I do, as I am in the position of having one friend here and that would be Eli for those curious, and it would be good for me to branch out a bit.  Also, he works six days a week.)

Next, we toured a potential school for Lulu.  May I tell you what has made me reject this school and then you can tell me if it's silly?

The Nursery 3 classroom (would be hers in the fall, not this term) was painting duck pictures (but coloring sheets; the duck was already printed on the page) and they were using only yellow paint.  I just think that when you're in preschool, you should be able to paint a duck whatever color you think is nice, you know? I KNOW.  I am ridiculous, you are right, but there are some things that just cannot be tolerated and one of those is mixed Playmobil and Lego and one of those is providing only one color paint to preschoolers.  Luckily, I got a lead on another preschool from a mom at the coffee morning.

Lulu and I came home at lunchtime (right now Eli doesn't really work much at all, honestly, but all I need is a car and he'll be in business) and after a big fight over a nap, she slept peacefully for two hours while I did research on which beach club we should join.  We need to join some sort of club so that I can go to the beach in something other than long sleeves and a long skirt/trousers.  We went to the beach after school and they had a great time.  Here are some photos of the beach yesterday and the beach today.

 The shells here are very different to those that I'm used to -- pink and purple and very pretty.
Today Lizzie got her pants wet and they kept falling down because they were so heavy and the waist band clearly isn't quite tight enough and I laughed every time.  She wouldn't pull them up herself because her hands were sandy.  I was like, Lulu we are in a Muslim country, get it together! 
AAAANDDD for those curious, Mandy is having a BOY.  YAY!

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