Monday, January 21, 2013


It turns out that I quit my job and moved from a city I loved to a city I do not yet have defined feelings about in order to be a driver.

I officially spend all day long in my rental car, a Nissan Sunny.  (Lulu is there with me for most of the time.)  For those unfamiliar (all of you in the US), it is a very, very gutless car.  You know the noise little kids make when they play cars? That's the noise this car makes when you floor it in order to, say, merge or continue to drive down the road.  Even funnier about the car situation is that Eli and I are driving exactly the same car, even the same color (white).

Lulu sits in the back and stirs the pot:  "MOMMY!  You're going the wrong way!" she'll exclaim, despite having no idea where we are going or ought to be.  And then tonight, as we were packing up from the beach, she walked toward the driver's door and said, "Mommy, I'll drive and you sit in the car seat.  Okay? Yeah?"  And I was like, dude, if only that would work.  We would both be so much happier.

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