Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Move Update

Yes, we are still moving.

No, we still are not sure when, and for the sake of my mental health, I can no longer think about it.

On the critical path at the moment (and indeed since last Thursday) are our medical exams.  Bechtel -- for good reason -- requires confirmation from a doctor that we are all in perfect health before we can be shipped off to Muscat (though there is apparently very good health care available there).

This means that we all must have TB tests as well as comprehensive physicals, current vaccinations (this is only an issue for me as I carefully removed from our files the children's health records but failed to look for my own so they are in the shipment).  The interesting part of parenthood is that you stop caring at all about yourself (you want to give me an immunisation I have already received? Will it kill me? No? Okay, then) and my main focus as it relates to the medical exams is that our notification is for an appointment at 11:30 and we aren't permitted to eat after 9:00pm the prior evening.

My kids are on their third meal, if you include morning snack, of the day at 11:30 am.  So, we'll call and ask if pretty please we can bring the kids in for their blood draws, urinalysis, whatever, first thing in the morning.

It is now clear that we will not be in Muscat for Tommy's first day of school on Saturday.  Ugh.

In better news, I have emailed two preschools and both have places for Lulu.  So she will have a school.  In the meantime, she is making do with educational iPad apps.  I'll be honest.  We're overdoing the iPad this week.  But a lack of structure to our days is killing all of us.

(Yes, it's another post with no pictures.)

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