Friday, February 08, 2013

A post mostly about food

Some things in Oman are puzzling.

- For example, all the stores have regular winter clothes in them.  Like, puffy coats and long, warm trousers, and fleece snowsuits for babies.  I think it's probably too much trouble to have separate offerings for climates where the daytime temperatures never begin with a digit lower than seven, but it still makes me laugh when I see snowsuits.

- Also funny is the peanut butter we bought.  It's called "American Peanut Butter", that's the brand, and it's full of sugar.  I have since found a jar of just peanuts - peanut butter that cost about $7.  Yes, we'll be needing to cut back on our peanut butter intake but it's not something we could ever dream of eliminating all together.  (I am much too lazy.)

- When we planned a move to the Middle East, I assumed that I would adore the hummus.  But I actually miss the Waitrose brand we ate constantly in London and can't wait to make our own.  

- I noticed two days ago when I washed an apple for Tommy's lunch that he would be enjoying a Gala apple grown in Washington state.  I read that Barbara Kingsolver book, so I know enough to feel really horribly about this.  I am going to stop buying produce that has been in transit for as long as it was on the tree/in the ground/whatever.  I really am.  

- There is nothing organic.  

I am normally rather fixated on food but it is worse now because our kitchen is non-existant which makes mealtimes frustrating...

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