Friday, March 22, 2013

The Lulabell

So Lizzie is in one of those phases of saying adorable things all the time.  Don't get me wrong; her personality hasn't changed, so she can still be a huge pain, but it's worth it for all the sweetness.  Here is a list of my current favorites:

- "When I grow up, I'm going to buy you a red car with TVs."  (The day before we saw a red range rover on our walk and since I am often carrying her on these 'walks', she noticed the televisions built into the headrests.)  "Oh, how nice!" I said, "How will you get the money?"  "At the office."

- "When I grow up, Tommy is going to give me an ice cream  maker.  Mommy, what kind do you want?"

- "When I grow up, I will drive you to school every day, Mommy!"  (She is still dying to drive and loves playing in the car.  She still sits back there and tells me I'm going to wrong way, though, which can be a bit irritating.)

- To anyone we meet:  "We got a cat.  It is Miss Katherine's cat but it lives in our house and it is ours.  She bites us."  (All true.)

- She likes to call me 'Mother' right now.

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