Saturday, May 04, 2013

Dolphin watching - the kind where you don't see any dolphins

Yesterday morning we woke up at the usual time as that's plenty early for us to get dressed, eat breakfast, make snacks and get on the road by 6:56. (I am sick of waking up so early and will be purchasing black out blinds for the kids' room.) Anyway, I had also convinced my friend Leigh to bring her family on the dolphin watching excursion, and we all met at Marina Al Bandar Rowdha at 7:45. The trip started wonderfully.  We were excited to be out on the water and it was a pretty morning and we all felt good. About ten minutes in to the excursion, it became clear that Tommy gets seasick. About an hour in, nobody felt too hot. And while we saw a sea turtle and some very pretty views of the coast and mountains, we did not see any dolphins, not even one (well, Leigh and Grace saw one but it was fleeting).

Definitely not the best thing we've done in Oman. But, we can't go into the wadis right now due to flooding.  Here are some cute photos, however.

Lulu was nervous on the boat and commented that we were in the middle of the ocean and away from the land.

This is from the end of the trip after we got closer to shore.  Oman is SO pretty.

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