Monday, May 27, 2013

My Ego

Since Tommy discovered his love of red, and I became creative in outwitting his outfit choices, there is a guy in my life whose words keep coming back to me:  "Laura, not letting them wear what they want is about your ego."  It was my good old dad who said that.  So all day today whenever I look at my daughter I will remember as I cringe that this feeling is thanks to my own ego and nothing else.  

I have decided however that I will mention again that rainbow doesn't match with rainbow.

Another funny story about Lizzie is that her teacher (Miss Lillie) is going home to Ireland and this is her last week at school.  As we discussed this yesterday in the car, I learned that my daughter has decided that Miss Lillie's teacher/leaving gift should be 'sparkly nail polish.'  I will let you all know how this goes -- given that I have already purchased a lovely gift for Miss Lillie and do not really want to buy her something she will never use.


  1. Margaret came in the my room the other day with her clothing choices - dark blue shorts with lighter blue, yellow, and green flowers and a dark pink shirt with darker pink dots. Very clashy. Rather than "correcting", I decided to ask her why she picked those to go together and determined that she had made a carefully considered choice, and while I did not agree with her aesthetic (taste?) I felt like I couldn't really argue with her logic.

    Thankfully, it ended up being too cold for shorts. So my ego won by default. :)

  2. A, we did and it's all wrapped up in the paper/ribbon combo of her choice (pink/red). She is THRILLED. xo

  3. When our kids were this age, Dave would be horrified to take them to the park wearing their chosen outfits for fear the moms/nannies there would think he dressed the kids!

    1. It is painful. I have decided that I need a system under which she wears what she wants sometimes but that on special days, I have the final say. I shall let you know how it goes. Also, I would like to schedule a date with you for Ethiopian food. We arrive in Seattle in two short weeks. xoxo
