Thursday, June 20, 2013

Two things I've been waiting for

Yesterday was a big day for two important reasons.  (These are not necessarily in order of importance.)  

First, look at how many strawberries mom picked.  It took her two hours, with 'help' from Tommy and Lulu.
 Second, look who I got to babysit all day long!!  Baby Millie!  Isn't she cute? She sure likes that paci, which is why I think it's appropriate that it is included in her photo.  She has a very sweet personality and even though she does occasionally get angry, she is easy to soothe.  She is nearly three months old and feels like a feather compared to the person I am normally carrying around everywhere.
We are still painfully jetlagged but at least the kids sleep until three reliably and Tommy slept until four this morning.  We are on the way out of this, I do believe.

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