Thursday, June 13, 2013

Wrapping up...

Guess what? Today was Tommy's last day of kindergarten!  When I picked him up (and his little friend, who is over for a play date), I said, "OH MY GOD YOU'RE FIRST GRADERS!" and they assured me that for the rest of the day they are actually still kindergarteners.  Thank goodness.

 Getting onto the bus, the last day.  (Note that the bus doesn't say "THE AMERICAN SCHOOL" anywhere on it.  That right there is a safety measure.)
 As it's the end of school, we have been inundated with the kids' work, report cards, journals, Tommy even got a yearbook, etc.  I have been laughing so hard I've cried at times while looking at this stuff. (For example, Tommy's weekend journal has some real gems including the weekend he "went on a submarine. It was awsum.")  The art below takes the cake, however for making me laugh.  See the brown/black gentleman in green? That's Eli.  I'm pretty sure you can guess who the others are.
 Here's our last play with Grace before summer (they left to Scotland today).  Good times!

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