Friday, July 05, 2013

I love my friends

First, I've got a sweet one of Millie for you.  Look at that face!  Can you believe people (her parents) say she doesn't like the car?

Second.  Can I just take a moment to tell you all that I love my friends? My friends make it so easy for me to live my life abroad because I come back here and they act like I never left and tell me all their news and just feel comfortable and lovely.  It is so so so nice.  Does it make me want to live in Seattle? Yes, it does.

(Also, they read my blog which is gratifying and some of them even tell me they love it, which is, again, so so so nice.)
My friend Lynn's girls with T & L.  I babysat for the elder one when the younger one was born
and now they are in HIGH SCHOOL and I feel OLD.

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