Friday, July 19, 2013

Where have I been??

I returned on Wednesday from spending three days in Davis (near Sacramento) with one of my very best friends ever, Sarah.  She and her husband and baby boy (Santiago, see below) just moved to Davis from Boston so Sarah can get her Ph.D.  They were all very welcoming despite being in the midst of moving into their apartment.  Not a well-timed visit on my part but I did manage to help unpack the china and to help with Santiago a tiny bit.  

He is a gem of a baby.  He's not fussy, and he's incredibly friendly and smiley (I wish I'd taken more photos of him as it's strange that I did not manage to take any of his gorgeous smile).  He let me hold him pretty much from the moment I met him which was very flattering.

My favorite thing that happened is I took him into a restaurant to order lunch, and the man who took our order was sort of different looking (I will refrain from a description) but Santiago saw him and burst into tears!  The restaurant guy scared him, though I'm not really sure why.  I flipped him against my shoulder and carried on ordering, which was really the only thing to do even though the guy knew that the baby was crying because of him.

This little guy has enough cheeks for two babies:

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