Tuesday, December 03, 2013

My children - skip this post if you don't want to read about how funny they are

This morning the traffic was especially frustrating and I did a lot of exclaiming and shouting.  As we were nearly to school, Tommy, clearly fed up with me, said,

"okay, so why don't you add some missiles to your car?"

And it was enough to keep me laughing the whole way to school.  In fact, I'm laughing about it as I type.


Yesterday, Lizzie was over at the table as I was in the kitchen, and as she looked at the newspaper, she said,

"Oh my gosh!  Mama!"
"There is a boy with blonde hair!!  [pointing at a picture of Brad Pitt]  I've never seen that before in my life!"


Tommy:  "Did you know I kissed a girl on the bus?"
Me:  "Who?"
Tommy:  "Noor.  She's a kindergartner."
Me:  "On the cheek or the lips?"
Tommy:  "THE HAND!!!"

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