Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sicky, sick, sicky, sick, sick

My kids both went to school yesterday, but Lizzie was "too tired" and "unable to participate" for the entire four-hour morning, so I had to go get her.  (Never mind that I see children sleeping on bean bags each day at pick up.)  Otherwise, someone has been sick since last Wednesday.

As my friend Frannie would say, "OH MY HEAVENS."

I have other blog posts nearly ready to go, but I am compelled to tell you that I have been feeling sorry for myself all week and then I started listening to this TED Radio Hour about Happiness and it had the welcome effect of changing my perspective.  It turns out that the secret to happiness, if there is one, is to slow down and make yourself notice the moment you are in.  One speaker talked about it as gratitude:  stop and notice and then continue, and you'll teach yourself to feel gratitude and that will lead to joy.

Anyway, I had planned to write a whiney post about having my kids home all week, and then I realized that it just wasn't that bad.  We did lots of reading, and we are zipping through the third Harry Potter.  We have played games and done puzzles.  There has been no small amount of off-key singing though only in moments of feeling okay, and also, there have been naps.

Finally, they both went to school today and I got to go to Yoga and guess what we did?!? Headstands!  And guess who did one!?!?!  I KNOW.  I am positively JOYFUL.

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