Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Another tooth, another pillow (and other random items)

Guess who lost a second tooth?  And guess who had a second "fairy pillow" as Lulu calls them?  Lucky kid.  I'm hoping he loses two teeth on the same day, at some point.
Do you also like seeing Lulu up on the counter? She is perched up there a lot - I have no idea why I allow it.  Also, see where the real organization of my life occurs?  Inside that cupboard door...

I had an epiphany about blogging the other day.  I think that my life feels so normal to me that I don't think to snap photos and put them on the blog.  But I had coffee near this ice skating rink on Monday and all the girls in their uniforms complete with hijab made me stop and smile.

And on a much sadder note, I read about the mudslide north of Seattle in many other places, but it was in our paper this morning, which just made the world feel very small.

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