Friday, April 11, 2014

Lucky Number SEVEN!

Tommy turned seven today.  It was one of those up-and-down birthdays, during which he seemed happier than I ever had seen him most of the day but then also had two meltdowns during which he reluctantly told me that it felt like the worst birthday ever.

As he gets this birthday weirdness from me, I cannot complain, not even a tiny bit.

Anyway, he got one million new Lego things all of which he managed to build today with Eli's help, and he had pancakes for breakfast with Nutella on them, and we went to Shang Thai for lunch and then to see Rio 2 (I fell asleep; that movie is so boring) and then we had pasta with pesto for dinner and a delicious carrot cake made by Grandma Sid for dessert.

He also chose to wear a bright green shirt with bright green shorts and a first aid kit on a belt around his waist, and when Eli said, "you know Mommy's going to object" he said, "yes!  But I'm not changing because it's my birthday and I can wear whatever I want!"

Not to make it all about me, but how did this happen? Seven? 

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, Tommy!

    I can't believe he is seven already. I still remember him as a toddler!
