Thursday, April 17, 2014

Trip wrap-up plus cute things my kids are saying these days

Oh, hi.  Welcome to the most random blog post ever.  It's not easy, trying to top myself in this category, but I'm pretty sure today's post will do it.  The kids are two days into having no grandparents within reach and they are not yet used to it.  Yesterday, Tommy refused to go to school until "Grandma and Grandpa come back, and that's final!"


Last night, as he was climbing into the bath, Tommy said:  "You know what? Alejandro told me something crazy.  He said when you hold up this finger [the middle one], it means the f-word.  Isn't that nuts?"

Me, smiling:  "Well, actually, it does mean that."

Tommy:  "I can believe what I want to believe, and it doesn't mean that!"

Me:  "Okay, just don't do it to anybody, okay?"


Lulu's best friend Grace is in Scotland for a couple of weeks and we are both really missing her.  Today in the pool, I wasn't swimming but I had to play Grace's part in all the games, so we had conversations like this.

Lulu:  "There's a sign that says 'No going in this area because there's a polar bear and it might bite you!' and now you tell all the children to watch the polar bear do her tricks and what do you want my name to be?"

Me:  "Um..."

Lulu:  "I'm done with the polar bear game.  What game should we play now?  How about a whale game?"


Eli had to go to Doha last night, and when Tommy came home from school, Lizzie told him that Eli was gone.  Tommy replied, "seriously.  There are too many people going!"

Ollie and the kids really enjoyed walking to the beach for a swim.  

In the women's prayer hall at the Grand Mosque; my phone was stuck on black and white.  

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