Wednesday, August 27, 2014

First day of school!!

Tuesday was the first day back for Tommy; Lizzie wasn't supposed to go to school but I took her for the first hour and hovered to make sure she wasn't smacked in the face.  Tommy breezed in after the bus dropped him off and said, "Ms. Kriefall is a blast.  I had such a great day, I don't even know how to talk about it."

I think we are all feeling excited for second grade and EC2 (preschool).  Yay!!

A close up so you can see her mouth a bit.

A quick update on Lizzie:  I took her to the dentist on Monday and her tooth had chipped a bit and needed to be smoothed.  Otherwise, the dentist was very reassuring that things looked good.  She went back to the doctor who did the stitches last night and he said things look good and he anticipates removing the stitches on Saturday.  So she'll be back to school on Sunday!  Yay!

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