Sunday, August 31, 2014

Newman Lake 2014

We had two amazing weeks at the lake this year.  (By the way, I looked it up and there does not appear to be a naming convention for lakes:  no idea why the Lake is in front or behind the proper name.)  The hardest part for me was that my seven year old desperately wants to be independent and so he was often off with other kids, eating their food and drinking their soda.  Tommy has long hated to see me drink the occasional diet coke, so we now have a deal:  neither of us will drink soda.  It seems to be working for now, and it makes me feel very virtuous (though it's not like I ever drank that much diet coke).

These little girls got a lot of reading time.

Much to Lizzie's delight, they also got a lot of iPad time.

At the carousel in Spokane.  Tommy is finally tall enough to grab the rings!

This was an ambitious activity on Brett's part.

Aren't you impressed that Lizzie didn't lose that paddle?


That bench at the end of the dock is the best part of the lake.

I think it's possible that these two weeks were the best of Tommy's year.

Tommy and Millie were the only kids who wanted to go for a hike at Mt. Spokane.

I think she likes Uncle Andy more than she likes me.

An ice cream cone as big as her face.

Tommy goes all in for fun public fountains.

The annual "push Grandpa into the lake" event.  Here it is obvious that Grandpa was ready for it, as he crouches into a dive.

Lexy is the acknowledged BEST log-walker.  Tommy got into a fight after Lexy had left (and was therefore unable to defend her position) about whether some other little girl was better (she was not, Tommy insisted).

Guess who celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary at Newman Lake?  Here they are atop Mt Spokane.

Bird watching.

We celebrated Blue Baby's third birthday!  It was thrilling for all of us (that quinoa applesauce cake tasted better than it looks).  See the balloons in the background?  Millie did a great job decorating and planning.

Lexy attempting a handstand as she walks the logs.

This is how kids start to learn to waterski these days.  Much better than the hours I spent eating it as I tried to get up.

I promised Adeline would be the star of the lake photos, back in my Atlanta post, but I forgot to tell that to the photographer.  Luckily, he came through with this gorgeous one of her!  It might be my favorite photo from the lake this year

I have some more photos from this trip, as we got to see the house (er, foundation) where Grandpa Ollie grew up.  But this was enough photos for one day! xo

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