Sunday, September 14, 2014


Last Saturday evening, our internet suddenly stopped working.  So the next day, Lizzie and I walked over to Omantel to ask them to fix it.  The woman helping me confirmed that the account was still active (there was a tiny worry on my part that I had transposed the account number when paying the bill and had actually paid someone else's internet for three months) and said she would send someone over to our house.

I did not return on Monday to Omantel, still hopeful that a little tech guy would show up magically (or in a car) at our door.  Tuesday I went back and the same woman said someone would come.  I asked her whether I would be credited for the days I had paid for a service which had not been provided, and she said no.  Wednesday, no one had called me to arrange an appointment or in any other way indicated that our complaint had been registered.  I went in before the lunch break and met with a different woman, who - in a sign of progress, as far as I was concerned - called a technician who promised to come a three o'clock.  But he didn't come.  So, I called Eli and told him that he had to stop at Omantel on the way home.  He stopped there, talked to a guy, came home, called a phone number and got someone on Omantel's end to reset something, and we had internet.

And while I tried to focus on my feeling of relief and gratitude that we have internet now, I cannot help but be enraged that it took Eli going there for the problem to be resolved.  Why didn't they tell me to call the phone number and get it reset???  We are in the unfortunate situation of being in a country where women have a much harder time getting things accomplished than men do, and Eli works most of the time that he is awake.  So I have to try to take care of things on my own.  Sometimes I am ridiculously unsuccessful, and of course the times I am successful I don't think I really notice because I'm used to being able to take care of my life.

In other news, the kids' AC unit has been working since yesterday morning and I am profoundly grateful for this.

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