Thursday, October 16, 2014

How to improve roads in the Sultanate

I think about blogging often, usually while I'm driving, but my time at home this autumn has been relatively scarce.  This is in part because I'm going to some new exercise classes and am room mom for Tommy's class, but is mostly due to my children's schedules.  I drive around Muscat a lot, and on many days a little something extra is thrown in like Tommy having a sore tooth/gum and the resulting trip to the dentist.  (Today at the dentist, Tommy got to see the diamond burrs [drill bits] and explained that he already know how hard tooth enamel is because "sometimes people kill other people by putting them in sulphuric acid, and everything disappears but the teeth."  I bought him the book from which he learned that nice fact.)

Anyway, for the past two days, driving has been especially dangerous and here is what must be done.  It's drastic, but required:  The Sultanate should make illegal all Lexus sedans and Dodge Chargers.  These cars are favored by young men who are normally driving much more like someone playing a video game than driving on roads shared by other living beings.  (Of course I know they will procure other - equally fast - cars.  I'm kidding.  But sort of not.)

I'm sorry about the blog this week.  I have so many things to say but apparently not nearly enough time to say them (those of you who know me -- all of you -- know that's not true as I talk all the time).

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