Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pumpkins in Muscat

On Monday while I was at our local grocery store, I noticed a nice display of pumpkins.  On my walk home, I decided to take the kids over there after school to pick out jack-o-lantern pumpkins.  Exciting fun for all of us!

I didn't dress them matchy matchy on purpose.

But as you can see above, I bought the most expensive pumpkin in the whole wide world.  Want to know in dollars what I spent on this smallish pumpkin? $15.  And let me tell you this.  One of them in the display was already rotting.  (Not this one.)  A nice British lady told me to go to the fruit and vegetable market - "they won't be orange, they'll be pink, but you'll pay 100 baisa per kilo" (for those curious, there are 1000 baisa in one rial).

I am certain I can talk Lizzie into pink pumpkins.

Coming up in my next  blog post:  how much I pay for sweet potatoes.  (Not really.  But I do pay a lot for sweet potatoes.)

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