Sunday, November 16, 2014

A real shocker

Our school has a pretty solid performing arts component (especially in Middle School and High School) and yesterday, the kids and I attended the matinee of the HS musical, Xanadu.  It's such a tiny community that it's actually difficult to skip these events -- I'm friends with the high school choir director, who was the musical director; Tommy's classmates' older siblings have parts; random parents I know have kids performing.  But the pressure to attend is no problem at all, because I am one of the many people in the world for whom musical theatre is one of the best and most enjoyable parts of life.  While I don't often attend musicals (Muscat has opera but not really musicals), I adore them.  

The school musicals are great because there are loads of kids there, which means that there is a good chance that my kids will be well-behaved (in relation to all the other ones).  And there aren't assigned seats, so, for example, when I took Tommy and Luke to The Music Man last spring, Lizzie and I sat in front of them so they would kick our seats instead of other people's seats.  (I also put them in a short row so that nobody else would sit by them and feel it when they started wiggling and banging around in their seats.)

So yesterday, the three of us piled into the car and drove to school (for the second time, as we had been to swimming lessons earlier) and for an hour and twenty minutes watched a large portion of the high schoolers sing and dance and act.  

And you guys, my kids looooved it.  Lizzie has declared her intention to be on the stage (though she explained to Eli this morning that she doesn't know how to dance, but she does know how to sing).  Tommy might be in a musical some day, but not if there is any kissing at all (like, there can't be any kissing, between any characters).  

The point is that to my delight, it is now fair to proclaim my children musical lovers.  Behold the pre-bedtime dancing:

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