Saturday, November 08, 2014

A tooth story

So yesterday, we went to a big soft play area for a birthday party.  I love this place because the kids just disappear and play and I am left to chat with other parents.  (Its one downside is that it's very far away, and we had horrible weather yesterday which made driving even less desirable than it normally is.)  Anyway, the kids were playing and I looked to see my first born with yelling, with blood spurting out of his nose.  I hustled him out of the party area and took a closer look -- he was banged up and had managed even to lose a tooth in the process.  What process, you ask?  Why, the process of corkscrewing down the slide, rather than sitting on your bum for the whole thing.  He claims it was an accident, but the attendant said that they were all doing it despite being asked not to.

Anyway, the tooth was loose when we arrived at the party, so it isn't not a big deal that he lost it.  However, he lost it a bit earlier than he otherwise would have because his mouth was bleeding quite a lot.  Fine.  So he takes ten minutes to regroup and put ice on his nose and is back in the play area.  I put the tooth in my pocket because by some miracle he did not swallow it.

When we arrived home, I put the kids to bed pretty quickly because both were very tired -- Tommy had a sleep over the night before and was a hot mess.  I remembered to put the tooth into his 'fairy pillow' and Eli and I went downstairs to eat dinner.

But guess what we forgot? And guess when we realized we forgot it?  This morning when we were exercising and one v-e-r-y glum little seven year old slumped into the living room.  I realized what had happened immediately, but it was far too late to do anything about it.  (I would like to go on record as remembering this happening when I was a kid, and my mom telling me she would go look for the money and being totally fine with the fact that she found something that I couldn't find, but this method couldn't work this morning because my handbag was in plain view of Tommy.)  Eli said that the tooth fairy must have been really busy last night, and I chimed in that you usually get more money if you get skipped (ah, guilt).  Obviously, the tooth fairy has a reminder in her calendar for tonight.

Tommy asked me this morning as we walked to his classroom how I suppose the tooth fairy got started.  So, maybe no permanent harm has been done.  UGH.

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