Monday, December 08, 2014

Conversations with Lizzie

Me, to both children:  "What are you favorite things to eat for dinner?"

Tommy:  - listing many things that I make -

Lizzie:  "Macaroni and cheese.  The kind with the bunny on it, and the sugary cheese."


Me:  "Lizzie, look at me in my eyes [to remove her attention from the television].  It's not polite for you to roll your eyes at me when I ask you to do something."

Lizzie:  smiles, rolls eyes.

Me:  laughing


Me:  "How was school today?"

Lizzie:  "Oh!  There's a new beanbag chair!  And, right at the end of recess Miss Julie brought out some balls for us to play with."


Lizzie:  "Why does 'date' mean what grows on a palm tree and what you do when you're going to get married?"


Everyday for a week, Lizzie wakes up and asks two questions:
"Are we going to pick up Grandma and Grandpa at the airport today?"  And when I say no, she says, "Well, are they in the airplane??"

Finally:  a Tommy zinger

[As we discussed our family's charitable giving for the year, we got onto the subject of orphans.  I explained quickly that Tommy and Lizzie are very lucky because they would always have a home to go to if something happened to Eli and me.]

Me:  "You'll never be in an orphanage.  ...  Unless you don't eat those vitamins!  If you don't eat your vitamins, I'm dropping you off today!"

[pause, as he thinks about what I've just said]

Tommy:  "That was a terrible joke."

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