Sunday, December 28, 2014

Tis the Season...(with some desert photos)

Hello, and Merry Christmas (a few days late)!

I just LOVE Christmas and it is possible that my adoration for this season led me to overcommit a bit this year.  But morning as we walked to the beach for a Christmas swim, I told Eli that somehow this year feels even more satisfying than I anticipated, and I think it's because of the hustle-bustle of the season.

My parents have been here since early December, and Hanh and Eleanor joined us on December 20th.  We had a really good time playing with Eleanor - she is a quick, clever little thing and brings a lot to the table personality-wise.  (For example, she demands "Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer" whenever we go anywhere in the car.)  She and Lizzie got along better than I anticipated and mostly were playmates but occasionally had dramatic altercations.

Right before Hanh and Eleanor arrived, we took Mom and Dad to Wadi Shab and then to the desert for a night (at Desert Nights camp, where we have gone before).  It was a great two days.  I owe you some photos but I'm having technical difficulties right now and I started a novel this afternoon and I would rather read it than try to figure out why this computer is so in love with the dreaded color wheel.  I can just imagine those guys at Mac talking to each other when they invented the color wheel:  "well, let's give them something pretty to look at while the computer is misbehaving or even undergoing a catastrophic event", "oh that's awesome, right, maybe it should have a rainbow?"  ANYWAY.  Here is one of T and L in Wadi Shab...

My tech guy fixed things for me, here are some desert photos:

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