Thursday, January 29, 2015

Christmas Eve

I'm positive I mentioned that Hanh and Eleanor spent Christmas with us, but did I also mention that we had a little party on Christmas Eve? We did!  And it was really fun.  It's a nice part of being an expat to be able to have a party on Christmas Eve because nobody else really has anything to do either (if they are still in town).

My friend Frannie (who is moving!), Hanh and Tommy wearing a cape.

A nice one of our patio with friends.

I actually hadn't realized how many cookies she must have consumed until I saw these photos.

I think Grace had some, too :)

The craziest thing:  we had carolers!  In Muscat!  And they sounded pretty okay!

Drinking Manhattans!

Just before collapsing into bed.  My goodness Christmas is a lot of work.

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