Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Funny ones

Last night, I had to bark a little bit to get the kids to tidy up and Lizzie said, "you're treating us like you're our stepmother!"  Thank you, Disney.


"When are we going back to Tanzania?  Can we go with the other grandparents?  Actually can we go to Japan with them?"


"Tommy, 'tend you're Hitler and I'm your puppy, and I bite you and you die!"  [Too many WWII books at the moment.]


As we walked back from the very windy beach this afternoon, I caught up to the kids at a driveway (where they have to wait for me) and I heard Lizzie saying, "the boy kissed the girl?" And Tommy said, "No, the girl kissed the boy."  Lizzie asked, "on the lips??"  "NO!  On the cheek!"

It turns out Tommy saw some teenagers kiss in the cafeteria and decided to tell his little sister all about it.


Lizzie, answering a question:  "LA! Mom, do you know how to say 'no' in Arabic? It's la!  So, mom, LA!"

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