Wednesday, April 15, 2015


So last weekend it was the TAISM ball.  There are many, many balls here but my husband is firmly in the "one ball per year" camp, and so we carefully choose each year.  In September, I asked my favorite friends here to go to the school ball with us and they all said okay!  So when we all arrived on Friday evening and looked at the seating chart, there was a table called "Laura Kent".  Despite being sick of the Hyatt ballroom, and somewhat uneasy about the circus theme, I had a great time (and Eli says he had a pretty good time, too).

I just showed Tommy a photo of his teacher at the ball and I said, "don't you think she looks pretty?" and he said, "I guess.  She sure looks young."  So I said, "younger than me?" and he said, "YES!  Mom, she's in her twenties!"

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