Sunday, September 18, 2016


We went to Laramie for a little more than a week and even got to be there for the Fourth of July. We all had a great time visiting and after looking at these photos, you will understand why Lizzie's only request regarding our next move is "to be by grandparents".
We went to Lander to visit Grandma Ruth.  She is doing very well in her new living situation.

Washing her new tea set from Grandma.

A tea party with Grandpa :)

Laramie in the summer! So lovely!

The obligatory "put the grandkid on top of the car" photo.

We saw Godspell (which led to  a question or two about Judas).

Feeding the fish!

Sorry that your eyes are closed, Mrs. Rebka!  I should have taken a few more photos. 

Laramie is a perfect place for kite-flying, and Grandma and Grandpa had a kite that they had bought for Tommy at some point.  This activity was a highlight, but slightly stressful for me because they would wander so far away from the house.

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