Saturday, May 29, 2010

Catching up and BIRTHDAYS!!

I'm so sorry I haven't posted since Tuesday. We've been busy, and during the time I normally write posts, I've been working.

FIRST, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Auntie Chinka (yesterday, on the 28th), Lib (today), and Grandpa Ollie tomorrow!! What a nice weekend of birthdays. We miss all of you and wish we could celebrate with you.

Second, I have some news for all of you: we bought our plane tickets to Seattle. We (Lizzie, Tommy and I) arrive on July 20 and leave on August 24. Eli leaves on August 2. (That's right, I'm flying home alone, but it's just a nine hour flight and it will be at night. Plus, Tommy loves TV.)

Now the update. We've had a nice week! Tommy's potty training is going beautifully. He even made it three hours without having an accident yesterday when we went to watch the changing of the guard. Note to those of you with small kids: the changing of the guard is not overly interesting for them. It's alright for 45 seconds, but otherwise, you'd better have a lot of snacks.

Yesterday, Tommy took a nice long nap because he got out of bed before 5:30. Now that Grandma Nancy is his roommate, after he wakes up, he gathers his tools (making enough noise to wake the whole household), climbs down and heads out to the living room. (He used to play in bed until we got him.) The bedroom doors in this flat don't stay open, so we know he's up for sure when the door slams and then we hear him running to the living room. Anyway, that all happened really early yesterday, so he had a good nap. After nap, he and Grandma made pizza dough, then Tommy, Grandma and Lizzie went out to the garden to play with Luc while I got a pedicure! Have I mentioned how much I'm going to miss Grandma Nancy?

On Thursday, Tommy and I went to the digger park and out to lunch with Claire and Luc. It was fun to hang out with just Tommy and he was mostly a good boy, though we had a couple of sharing issues and at one point he swatted Luc with a spade so he had a time out. After his time out, he said, "Mom, I promise to be a good boy." It was very sweet and surprising and I must've reacted well because now he says it all the time, even when his behavior isn't at issue. After nap, we went to the science museum which has a nice place to play, but we didn't stay long because it was overstimulating and I couldn't get Tommy to calm down.

Lizzie likes to sit up (against cushions) and play with toys now. When she gets something in her hand, she knows to wave it around to see if it makes an interesting noise. She is pretty much adorable if I do say so myself.

Happy long weekend!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Update -- potty training

Second day in a row of going numero dos in the potty -- today's prize was this very special Bob the Builder cup from Grandma Nancy. Yesterday he got the drill sitting on the couch beside him. The drill is very popular, especially because it comes with various drill bits. However, we have opted not to put batteries in it, so it's not as cool as it could be. (I am so mean.)

Baby Tess (x2)

This is Tommy's baby, Tess. She is named after the real baby Tess (keep reading). (Grandma Sid gave a baby like this to Lizzie, and it quickly became clear that Tommy needed one of his own.)

Here is Tommy taking care of (smothering?) baby Tess:

And here's the picture you've all been waiting for -- the REAL baby Tess. Can't you understand why Tommy decided to name his baby after her?? (That's her cute mommy in the background, Liz.)

(Isn't the real baby Tess's outfit so adorable?)

Today Tommy suggested that I should go to work and Daddy could stay with him. I said that Daddy had to go to work at the airport, and Tommy said, "what's Daddy building at the airport?" And I said, "I don't know. What did he tell you?" And Tommy said, "he's building a big long building that's going to be a fire engine and go up in the sky." So now we all know what Eli does at work.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Helen Mirren

So last night, Eli and I went to dinner with our friends Simon and Vivian (friends from our last London stint), and guess who dined at the next table? That's right, Helen Mirren. Once Eli spotted her, I kept smiling randomly and looking like an idiot. But it's okay because Helen couldn't see me. Ever since I read this profile of her in the New Yorker, I feel especially close to her.

Yesterday we woke up and went to Hamley's to try to find tools as rewards for using the potty. Of course, after two perfect days, he's pooped his pants three times, so it taught us an important parenting lesson: have the reward at the moment of the good behavior. Because we were in a situation of rewarding two-day-old behavior, or, if not old behavior, than bad behavior. But Hamley's didn't have any tools, so Tommy chose a toy he already has. (And one that I hate because it requires more involvement from me than I like.)

Anyway, we went to Hamley's, then to the park and had a picnic. It's gorgeous in London this weekend. Then, I worked during and after naps. When Tommy woke up, everybody went to the garden to play! Yay! We're out of quarantine. Tommy had a lovely time and only a couple of fits about Angus's red scoop. Tommy has a green one exactly like it, but he loves red. I'm so tired of these fits that I'm going to buy Tommy a red one.

A nice thing about the garden yesterday is that Eli got to meet all of my mom friends and their husbands. Have I complained yet about how my favorite mom is just here for a few weeks? She lives in LA and has really nice kids and she's funny. Her husband is British and seems really nice as well though he works in Germany during the week so we don't see him as much. Tommy and her son Luc like to go back to the compost bin and dig (last night Tommy looked as though he'd had dirt for dinner because his face and mouth were so dirty).

That's it. Sorry the posting hasn't been very regular. But I wanted to remember to tell you about my friend Helen.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

13 lbs., 8 oz.

Guess who saw the doctor today and doesn't weigh enough? A generous reading is that she's in the 25th percentile (or centile, as we say here). He said she's obviously healthy and happy but that we may want to try supplementing with formula. I am surprised by all of this, as Tommy was such a tank. She gets vaccinations in three weeks and will be weighed again then. I am more than a bit concerned and really don't want to supplement even though I know it's not a big deal.

In better news, Tommy just flew by me, running from the balcony to the potty, yelling "I have to poop!" Then, he did poop. IN THE POTTY. There are no words to express my joy. (Though, in one light this feels a bit like a parenting failure as he was obviously ready to be potty trained and I kept putting it off and blaming it on his bad attitude.)

This morning, I brought Lizzie out and Tommy said, "Hello, Lizzie! I'm eating toast. Do you see my toast? That's peanut butter."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I should be working...

But here are a couple of cute pictures.

And in chickenpox news, Tommy did not have any new spots this morning, and has a boatload of energy. So, we went to the park (not the playground) and found a big grassy area to play by ourselves. He had fun and even went potty in the public restroom at the park, so he didn't have an accident. I am becoming hopeful that he might be out of pullups by the time he is 15.

It's a beautiful day today, which is helping everything.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chicken Pox & Potty Training

So. On Saturday night I noticed three bumps on Tommy, in his diaper area, and thought that he was probably reacting to some toxin in his disposable diapers. Then, Sunday evening, he had more of them (still confined to his diaper area). Then last night when I undressed him for bath, he had more bumps, and all over. This morning I took him to the pediatrician, who confirmed that he has chicken pox (and that she has seen three other children this morning with chicken pox). Since he was vaccinated (because he had to be in order to do anything in DC, which is where his back up daycare was), this case ought to be mild. Which means I am stuck indoors with a energetic little boy who has red bumps on him but no other symptoms.

Tommy has been putting his pee in the potty all day long, with no accidents because Grandma Nancy drags him in there every 15 minutes. They listen to music and sing songs and discuss things. Perhaps we will have a silver lining to the chicken pox.

Lizzie is going to the doctor on Thursday. No vaccinations, in case she's brewing some chicken pox. The incubation period is two weeks.

So. I think my readers can all be thankful that they do not have my life right now. Sigh.

But, again, God Bless Grandma Nancy.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Helicopters & Grandma Nancy

Grandma Nancy arrived yesterday and Tommy was absolutely delighted to see her. It is the first time he has been so truly excited to see one of his grandparents, and I am thrilled that he seems to have hit this phase in time for mom's visit. (He did, however, tell me once this morning that he wanted Grandma Nancy to not be here and Uncle Brett to be here. So, he's not perfect yet.)

The big excitement today is that we were in Kensington Gardens and saw Prince Charles' helicopter land and then take off again. We were so close that Tommy was a bit frightened -- which is understandable given how the trees almost blow over. I took a movie but I think I need Eli to crop it before I can post it on youtube.

In other news, I went for a run DURING NAPTIME today. God Bless Grandma Nancy.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A few more things...

So when I picked Tommy up from school, his teacher told me that the kids had biscuits. On the way home, I asked Tommy if he'd had a cookie at school, and he said, "they're called chocolate biscuits." Now we can just sit back and wait for the cute accent.

Miss Karina told me that today Tommy worked on pouring and that she was very impressed. I knew we hadn't been doing all that practicing for nothing.

When we got home from preschool, we went to the garden and kicked a football around. I realized that I have no idea how one is supposed to kick a football, so I plan to get Tommy enrolled in a class of some sort SOON.

Finally, I have to tell you all that I have solved my parenting problem. I realized, yesterday afternoon in one of those "ta-da" moments, that Tommy isn't sleeping enough now that he doesn't take a nap. (I know, I'm an idiot, but I'm also sleep deprived since the Lulabell still wakes up at least twice a night.) So I put him to bed at 6:45 last night, and today he was like a different guy. (In case this was a fluke, I am going to finish reading the discipline book.)

(Yes, I do have another child and she is adorable.)

Three things

First, the other day Tommy sat at the table with a crayon and paper and told me he was writing down his observations. He learned this from "Sid the Science Kid" but Eli said it was so cute that I needed to post it on the blog.

Second, I have work!! It's a big research project that will require plenty of time in the next few weeks. So thank goodness Mom is coming because otherwise I'd be scrambling to find a babysitter (probably still will be). Anyway, I had a nice long conversation with the partner last night and it made me feel smart again. (Not sure what that's about but it's true.)

Third, yesterday when I arrived to pick him up at school, Tommy showed me his work. (That's what you call it in Montessori, which is appropriate because it actually is work.) He was using a series of small boxes with three objects each and doing something that was unclear to me. But he was quite excited. He seems less excited about the tadpoles, but if you ask him about them, he tells you that they're fine.

Monday, May 10, 2010

We're solidly in May now, but the weather still feels almost like winter (in the 50s). Still, yesterday and today there's been sun, and we've spent plenty of time outside. Tommy was much better yesterday, and I haven't even started implementing the methods from "Four Weeks to a Better Behaved Child" (because I haven't finished reading it yet). BUT, I have stopped getting angry, and that's of course made me feel better. When I dropped him off at preschool today, the teacher told me that he is very well-behaved there and always listens to the teachers. She explained that they are absolutely consistent, which is why. I am still convinced that parents have a harder time making their kids listen to them than other people, and that it wouldn't matter if I were a Montessori certified teacher and the most consistent person in the world, but maybe I'm just making excuses.

For Mothers Day, Eli took the kids to the park for almost two hours, then I met them for lunch. It was a nice break and when I met up with them we were all happy to see each other again.

Today I finally called a private practice pediatrician to get the damn vaccines for Lizzie, but I didn't get an appointment. Then, another mum in the garden told me that she just showed her passport and three month lease agreement and got vaccines for her kids. So now I'm inspired to give NHS another go. I don't really want the hassle of submitting a claim to our insurance company.

Lizzie either rolled over again this morning, or Tommy rolled her. Not sure which. He is up in her face at any opportunity right now -- I think he's bored with his toys and she gives him good responses most of the time. (I cannot wait for his toys, in case anyone was curious. Cannot wait. I get so much less time with Tommy playing quietly in his room because all his toys are so played out. And I don't want to buy new ones that are just like the ones we already have.)

Today I've decided that we need to get a sandbox for the garden at the new house. Also, I found the best bookshop in London. I really think I did. It's adorable. And so British -- tons of employees, all walking around swiftly with a few books in their hands.

The bad news is that all I hear from work is that there's not much work -- so I don't have any yet.

That's all from London, folks. I'm so boring lately that I won't mind if you decide to stop reading.

Saturday, May 08, 2010

On parenting

Let me begin by thanking all of you for your happy birthday emails. I really appreciated them and you all make me feel very loved.

I had a rough end to the week. Tommy is having more and more fits and in return I'm losing my temper (exactly what you're not supposed to do, of course, since that is essentially me responding to his fits with fits of my own and how is that supposed to teach him not to have them?). Anyway, after a lot of reflection, I've determined that parenting failures (which is what this feels like) feel so horrible because they are so personal. It feels like my fault when Tommy won't share, or when he won't let Angus get on the see-saw with him (yes, you read that right), or when Julie has to walk home separately from us because Tommy has made Angus cry. Yesterday, I went to the bookstore and bought a book called "Four Weeks to a Better Behaved Child." I have not read it yet, but I feel better having it.

But my birthday evening was nice. Eli made a delicious dinner and bought a delicious cake and I had TWO glasses of wine and it was nice.

I wish all the mothers reading my blog a happy day today!

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Same old, same old

Tommy eats two breakfasts every morning. Today, for example, he has had a large bowl of oatmeal, a plateful of pineapple, and a (whole) peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And here's the thing, he's not getting fat. I think he eats more calories in a day than I do, and remember I'm breastfeeding and walking and running a lot (I walked three miles yesterday, then ran five). Pretty soon, we'll have to start taking money from his college fund in order to buy groceries. (Luckily, he watches so much TV these days that I'm not sure college is in his future.)

Tommy to Lizzie this afternoon:
"Do you want to be a firefighter, Liz? Do you? Yeah? Do you want an axe? You can chop through doors! Do you want an axe for your birthday? Liz, it's not your birthday yet." (In the Richard Scarry book, the firefighter uses an axe to chop through a playroom door to save a little pig.)

We're all doing fine today. Not enough napping by Lizzie (so she's super duper fussy), not enough listening to Mommy's words by Tommy (we left the park almost as soon as we got there this morning, and he's lost his scooter), but fine.

I'll try to post pictures tomorrow.

EDITED TO ADD: Lizzie did two front to back rolls this morning during tummy time. So she might actually be rolling. I tried to take a movie for you, but she refused to do it a third time.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010


Tommy, Eli and I are coming down with colds, which I suppose is to be expected as Tommy started a new school in a new country with what must be different illnesses. But still. Let's all cross our fingers that Lizzie doesn't get it, too.

We haven't gone to any playgrounds this week as I barely have the energy for the four miles I have to walk to take Tommy to school, come home and pick him up. But he still has wanted to go and since he just had it two days this week, I've taken him. Just one more trip to make and we'll be done with it for the week. Yay for me; sad for Tommy. (But frankly, I get more free time and have a happier baby when Tommy just naps at home.)

Yesterday, Lizzie rolled front to back. So perhaps she really is learning to roll. (Tommy wanted to be in the picture.)

We played with Angus this morning in the garden. Yes, that's Tommy in the helmet. He still prefers to wear it no matter what he's doing.

Unfortunately, the boys have started to dig up the pansies instead of just play in the dirt so they require a bit more supervision.

Monday, May 03, 2010

The things I miss

In an effort to be less boring, I have decided today to post a list of the top 10 things I miss most that are "on the ship," as we tell Tommy:

1. Tommy's toys
2. Tommy's books (I just ordered 15 new books, mostly by Mo Willems, so that might move this item down the list)
3. The double stroller - what was I thinking? I have had days during which I've almost bought a new one
4. Tommy's stool (except when I'm glad that he doesn't have unlimited access, such as when I'm in the shower)
5. The fleece pouch for the stroller
6. Lizzie's pink snowsuit - hey, I thought it was Spring
7. The Moby wrap for Lizzie
8. The playmat for Lizzie
9. My clothes (especially coats and sweaters)
10. My boots (including my rainboots)

Sunday, May 02, 2010


I hope you are all having lovely weekends. We have a Bank Holiday tomorrow, so Eli gets to be with his lovely family for three days in a row and Tommy just has two days of preschool.

Yesterday we woke up and Eli and I both ran early so that we could leave the house around ten. We walked to Baker and Spice and ate more calories than we had just burned running (totally worth it), and had good coffee. Then we went to Harrods to buy DVDs for Tommy because the weather forecast was for rain and cold weather. We also bought Lizzie a toy for the buggy because she plays now that she can grab so well. During naps, I got a pedicure and went to the big grocery store where I purchased yet another Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc for £5.

Today when we woke up it was pouring, so we went running early again and then we went to the Science Museum. It has a great play area for 3-6s. Tommy and Eli had a great time and played for at least an hour in there until Tommy wouldn't share the drum toy and had a fit and had to leave. It was a zoo in there, but it was worth it. When we got home, we put Tommy down for a nap he didn't take, and when we allowed him to get up, we played in the garden with Angus. They had a great time chasing a ball and screaming and wrestling. As Julie says, they're "a bit full on." I have heard other mums here use this expression, and I like it quite a lot. Lizzie has been rather fussy this weekend but I am still thinking she may be teething because she chomps down on my fingers whenever possible.

One more thing -- my phone was ruined on Friday evening when Tommy's water tipped onto it. So don't call me. Just email me. And while we're on that topic, I want to remind you all that while you know most things about what's going on here, I don't know anything about what's going on with you unless you email me and tell me. So please email me. It doesn't have to be often, just every once in a while to let me know how you're doing. Merci!