Saturday, October 15, 2011

Breaking news...

Our day started normally (because who doesn't wear cat masks backwards to complete their batman ensemble?):

 Then, after Lulu's nap, we went for a walk:
 And to the green, for a play:

But it ended badly.  Badly, friends.  Tommy was running, fast, and not paying attention to where he was going, and an adult was running backwards so that she could photograph her husband and their grandson (I think) and they collided.  Tommy literally flew through the air.

But we thought he was fine, and that he was crying because he was tired and because he tends toward the dramatic.  (I even said, "Love, I see a future for your on the stage.  Now let's talk about something else.")  But after about five minutes, we looked at the arm and noticed a strange, red lump.  And the arm surrounding the lump was swollen.

So we walked over to the clinic which was closed, and decided to go home to collect some things and then head to the ER (or emergency department, as one says here).   Eli set off to find a taxi, and came home about 20 minutes later to tell me that he was just going to push Tommy in the stroller as there was a Chelsea match and traffic was stopped.  So that's what he did.  (During his search for the taxi was the worst part of the experience for me.  Tommy was in a lot of pain and said lots of sad things to me, one of which was "why aren't you helping me, mommy?")

Here are hospital photos:
 See the lump?  And also how Tommy is too big for the buggy now?
 X-ray.  S-a-d.  A little guy in a huge room, all alone.
 Home!  With the result:  a cast and a sling, with another x-ray scheduled for Friday at which point he may get to take it all off.  There's no clear break, it's not dislocated and it didn't affect the joint.  But, they need to check it all again.  We're thrilled that it may be off soon, as he is already really whining about it and the inconvenience of it is clear.
 And here he is losing his business because he's tired and it's late (they didn't get home until eight and were all jazzed about looking at the stars because Tommy isn't usually out when it's dark as he goes to bed when most people are just getting home from work):

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