Sunday, October 23, 2011

The weekend of Walters (with a couple of photos)

It's Sunday night and nearly nine pm (aka the time I turn into a pumpkin). Brett and Chinka left for the airport at 5:30 and barely caught their flight. Andy and Katherine and Eli are half watching a movie (or sleeping, if you're Eli) and I am tired but really happy that we had such a nice weekend. I have lots of photos to post, but that will have to happen later this week as I'm too tired to get off the couch and download them. Instead, I shall tell you a bit about what we did.

On Friday, Eli took the day off and I spent the day thinking it was Saturday and then I felt happy every time I remembered it was Friday. I took Tommy to the hospital to get his real cast and it was great. The cast is red and so he is happy. (This morning he insisted on wearing a red shirt to match the cast.)

We went out for Indian food twice (lunch and dinner) and also went on a walk by UCL where all three Walter boys studied abroad. I took a few cute pictures but they are stuck on my phone. One day. Then, we took the kids home and put them to bed. When the babysitter arrived, we went out to celebrate Brett and Andy's birthday. They are 39, so I told them they are o.l.d. (Which they are.)

On Saturday we took our time getting out of the house, so that by the time everybody left it was time for Lulu's nap. So everybody except Lulu and me went to High Street Ken and Hyde Park and Whole Foods and then, after we joined them, the girls went shopping at Massimo Dutti and Cos and other shops that America does not have. We went home and put the kids to bed and then had a little dinner party so that Andy could have a friend of his from graduate school over.

And today was the football game. I have to say that while it was great to go (finally!), it was a bit disappointing in that Fulham pretty much sucked (and lost, of course) and you cannot drink beer in the stadium which was part of my master plan for surviving the game. Instead, I chatted the whole time. When I was waiting in line for beer at half time (you have to drink a whole beer in 15 minutes which most Brits have no trouble with but which makes me feel pretty gross), a nice British gent started laughing at me because I was talking to Brett and indicating that I knew nothing about football. I told the guy I thought that it was a pretty unlucky first football game and couldn't he do anything about the freaking team?

Anyway, this is a brief summary and I will post more with photos but this was one of those weekends that force me to consider whether we are sacrificing too much (i.e. regular contact with their uncles and aunties) to live in London.

I have more pictures, but clearly the uncle photos are highest priority. The kids have been asleep before 6:30 since their uncles left.

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