Saturday, July 14, 2012

Last Day of School

Thursday was a crazy day.  I swapped my Friday for Thursday because we had so much going on.  It was both kids' last day of school.  Lizzie "performed" in a program at her school (it was Olympic-themed and she was a goddess of dance); both kids were supposed to be at picnics starting at 12:30 (we skipped both); we had a teacher conference with Miss Jo AND I cleverly booked a pedicure and a haircut for myself.

And Wednesday at four a client suggested we meet late Thursday afternoon, so I had Mandy come at three and headed into work.

Now I sound whiney -- but here are some photos of Lulu's show.

Tonight we had a pizza party and watched a movie to celebrate the end of school and as a reward for working really hard in school this year.  The kids had a really good time but I ate too much pizza.

And one more, that really ought to go in 'glamping' but I'm a bit lazy tonight and it's cute:

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