Thursday, July 12, 2012

Potty Trained!

Okay, I have warned all of you with the title of the post.

But, I'll be brief anyway.

Eli and I are proud to announce that our daughter Elizabeth (aka Lizzie aka Lulu aka Lulabella) has successfully potty-trained herself.  She decided she wanted to stop wearing diapers and start wearing "uh-were-wear" and then proceeded to fight us with all her strength whenever we tried to force her to wear diapers (I know, we sound like awesome parents) and now she even naps without diapers.

I suppose the lesson is that it's key to listen to your kids as they take on these developmental challenges.

Edited:  I have now posted a photo of her adorable bum in her underwear, which are the smallest size possible but which are quite baggy.

Obviously, she is awesome.  (And loves dum-dums lollipops, which she gets each time she uses the potty.)


  1. Margaret was initially bribed with m&m's. At night she still wears a pull up and has graduated to mama's "spicy chocolate" as her reward for dry pants in the morning. The good extra dark with chili in it stuff. Candy is powerful when you don't get it regularly!

    1. YOU have much more self control than I. I knew chocolate could never be our potty training reward because I would eat it!

  2. I've heard of several girls who potty train like that--easy peasy, no fuss. I will look forward to possibly having one like that in my house.
