Thursday, April 11, 2013

And he turned SIX!

The sweetest little boy in the whole wide world is now six.  Holy guacamole.  I am obviously officially old because I am yet again yammering on about how time flies.

But listen.  If your kids live with you for 18 years, then WE ARE ONE THIRD THROUGH OUR TIME LIVING UNDER THE SAME ROOF AS TOMMY.  And honestly, if I could take back that realization and go back to thinking he would live with me for what would feel like forever (because five o'clock in the morning is very early, to everyone in our family but Tommy), I would be so happy.  Since stumbling (stupidly) upon this calculation, I do believe I know how it feels to have your heart ripped out.

Yesterday Lizzie and I slaved away in the kitchen and made cupcakes and frosting from scratch. Then, at three o'clock we went to TAISM and celebrated the birthday with Tommy's class.  That candle you see burning is a 'SIX' candle that Grandma Nancy gave me a few months ago.  I lost it during this time at TAISM and so we didn't get to use it again today.  Boo.  He had a great time and the cupcakes totally turned out even though they had little tiny black specks in them from the vanilla bean (it's actually not so bad to use those beans instead of extract).

Do you see Lulu's legs in the back there? Sitting in a stroller? She fell asleep in the car and was in a terrible mood for most of the event.  She was also decked out in her flower girl dress from Andy and Katherine's wedding, so she got a lot of attention from people wanting to compliment her on her princess dress.  Since she was in a bad mood, these compliments didn't go over so well.

But, even if Lulu was a grump, somebody loves her.  Look what I found in Tommy's backpack when we got home.  It says, "Who is your best friend?" He writes, "Lizzie" (with backward zs).  It asks, "What makes them so special?" He writes, "funny, cutie pie".  (See why I am sad that he's going to move out soon?)

So then this morning we woke up very, very early to open up a bunch of Lego.  He was thrilled.  We had to dash off for his first golf lesson (I know!  But the golf course is very convenient and seems like a good way to do an extracurricular activity without making me drive all over Muscat), then to sign up for swimming lessons at school this term.  I'll post some golf pictures someday because it's actually very cute, but I might see if we can get the grip down a little better first :)  

After our errands, we met Eli back home and headed off to the mall to play in the arcade.  A good time was had by both children and Eli and I survived.  Those places are just so loud!  

Then, we came home to build some more Lego, have some ice cream cake and eat some Thai food for dinner.  By dinner we were all pretty tired thanks to the early wake up and no napping.  Tommy talked to his Auntie Em and Uncle Sid, and to his Uncle Brett.  It was a really great day.  For a really great kid.

* I will post a couple of cake photos as well as a couple of arcade photos...

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