Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I went to two different grocery stores on Sunday (often I have to go to three) and guess what? It's mango season!  This aisle (that's my cart just sitting there abandoned in the middle of it) is FILLED ENTIRELY WITH MANGOS!  Sadly, it is filled with so many types of mangos that I was unable to choose one and left this store (called Lulu) with not even one mango.  (And I really like mangos in my smoothies.)

When I went to Carrefour later in the day, I was not quite as surprised to see an entire aisle dedicated to mangos, but did not buy one there either because I had Lulu with me and she was sleeping in her stroller (yes, I know she's three-and-a-half and probably shouldn't have a stroller anymore but whatever) and so I was holding it tipped back on two wheels and shopping for produce is impossible to do one-handed here because EVERYTHING has to go in a plastic bag and then get tied up and weighed.  Despite my best efforts, I need to return to Carrefour no later than tomorrow afternoon (I forgot garbage bags!) and I will at that time purchase a mango (or seven).  Perhaps we will have a little taste test?

(And yes, I felt like a huge goober when I took this picture.  But I just couldn't stop myself.)

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