Saturday, June 01, 2013

Our Fancy Dubai Weekend

The kids and I fly to Seattle two weeks from today, and Eli and I decided that it would be nice for the four of us to spend some time together before we don't see Eli for six weeks.  So, we went to Dubai on Thursday afternoon and came back this afternoon.  It was a quick trip but it was really nice!  We stayed at a nice hotel and spent yesterday at a waterpark.  Here are a few photos.
This is the view from our hotel room.

Lulu warming up.
Guess who is a great little swimmer now? He's working on handstands.  As Eli (who hadn't seen him swim in a long time and was pleasantly surprised) said, "well, obviously.  He didn't need pricey private lessons at the health club, he needed free lessons from high schoolers."

His freestyle needs work.  If he's tired, he uses just his right arm.
Treading water.
The little-girl-bum-in-a-bathing suit.  JUST SO CUTE.
The two reasons we were so late to the airport that we nearly missed our flight.


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