Monday, June 03, 2013

Two things about living in Muscat

I think it's interesting to note the differences here and there are two things I've been meaning to mention for a while now.  (Yes, this is a very random post.)

First.  Our taps do not have any cold water.  You can get lukewarm water, but that's as cold as it gets. This of course makes sense, but it's strange to run lukewarm baths for the kids and plan to adjust the temperature up, as you can't adjust down.

Second.  On three occasions when I have handed the baggers at the supermarket my reusable bags, they have carefully packed them into a plastic bag for me.  These fellows have never seen seen reusable bags before, and you must keep your eye on them.  They are also hesitant to put more than two items into one plastic bag, so you can pretty much end up with as much plastic in your trunk as comprises the plastic island floating in the ocean if you're not careful.

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