Monday, July 29, 2013


Fishing is not something I have ever liked.  This is because (1) I hated salmon when I was a kid and my dad seemed to always come home with some for dinner when he went fishing, (2) sometimes my dad made Em and me actually wake up early and go fishing with him (I vividly remember Em getting a fish hook caught in her sock and Dad throwing it overboard), and (3) it seems a little bit mean (although my Uncle Don assured me that a hook in the stomach of one of these bullheads would rust away in no time because its in salt water).

My kids, however, adore it.  How do I know this? Because my very sweet Aunt Jan bought them fishing poles (Batman for Tommy, pwincess for Lizzie) and then she and my Uncle Don took them out on the dock along with some bacon for bait (who knew?) to catch bullheads.  (These are not the kind of fish you eat.)  It was incredibly exciting and I, who had promised my Uncle Don that the fishing activity would last no longer than twenty minutes, am forced to acknowledge some interest on the part of both of my children in this activity.  However, I would be interested to see how they do baiting their own hooks and then actually having to get fish on the line without help from an adult.  (All my kids really did was reel them in, and sometimes not even that much.)

Getting ready to head onto the dock with the beautiful fishing pole.

Uncle Don and Lizzie.

Aunt Jan and Tommy.

Uncle Don:  it's odd, but he seems to be fishing with a small, pink plastic fishing pole?
I have no idea what his macho fishermen friends would say about this..

Learning how to stand with your catch.

See me? Totally not paying attention to fishing or my children?

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