Saturday, July 27, 2013

Grandma's Farewell...

My readers will notice in the coming days that I seem to be a little bit mixed up, because I have many posts to write about events which occurred before this one.  But, my brain is a little bit scattered (what's new) and I'm an external processor as you all know (because really what other type of person has a blog?) and so please just hang in there.

Last week, the Kent family (minus Em-Sid-Dylan and Will-Cassi) went to Hood Canal to put Grandma's ashes in with Grandpa.  Aunt Jan and Uncle Vyn have a place there and we've all been going for years, so it made a lot of sense to say goodbye to Grandma there.  

Aunt Jan did a great job planning Grandma's final send-off, and Mom did a great job documenting it.  Kudos also to our skipper Raymond who let both Lizzie and Tommy steer (Lulu in a squiggly line and Tommy in a circle).

I looked back at these pictures and was pleased to see that we all mostly look happy in them -- it was a nice morning and that seems like what Grandma would've wanted it to be...
See the Blue Heron on the boat? We must've seen 50 of them.  Or the same few multiple times over the week.

Uncle Don almost fell off.  Except not really.

Preparing the biodegradable lanterns.

Teaching a six-year old how to use a corkscrew on a bottle of Two Buck Chuck, Grandma's favorite.

Max - everybody's new best friend - and Lulu.

We each threw a handful of ashes in.

Lulu had ashes in her hair and all over her lifejacket.  A tiny bit gross.

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