Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Great Grandma Ruth

On the third night of our trip back to Laramie from the lake, we stopped in Lander to visit Great Grandma Ruth.  She is excellent at making people feel welcome and appreciated, and we had a lovely visit with her.  I was amazed that she does not look a minute older than she looked when we last saw her in 2011, and she won't mind my sharing that she is 91 and 2/3 years old.

Here is the four generations photo:  Great Grandma Ruth, Grandma Sid, Eli, Tommy and Lulu (who is showing her face!).
The kids had a great time in Lander. They played at a fun park and we went to the sinks -a pretty spot where a river goes underground. A few minutes' drive down the road, it comes back up.

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