Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The horrible noise you heard this morning

I have other posts I ought to be working on but wanted to alleviate any concern you may have regarding the horrifying screaming heard across the country this morning around eleven am (pacific time).  Really, it was nothing to worry about -- my kids had pediatrician visits and they also have a very stupid mother who informed them prior to the appointment that there would be immunizations administered.  They were wrecks for the whole appointment and the nervous energy/fear had to go somewhere!  Sorry, and excuse us.  Tommy's off the hook, immunization-wise, for a while and frankly, he was the one who got us all worked up so next August is looking a bit calmer.

For those interested,
* Lulu weighs 29 lbs (!!) and is 36 and 3/4 inches tall;
* Tommy weighs 52 lbs (!!) and is 47 and 1/4 inches tall;
* Dad got off to Australia just fine this evening though he was dreading the flight.

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