Thursday, August 01, 2013

Summer Goal Numero Uno: Swimming

We lived in Oman for five months before coming to the US for the summer, and I was lucky to make a very dear friend there.  She is a dear friend in her own right of course, but a big perk is that she comes with a pool :)  (She knows that she means much more to me than her pool.)  The kids and I spent a lot of time with her and her very adorable daughter (Grace, you can see her in an earlier post, and actually, you can also see the pool), and a large portion of that time was at the pool.

Tommy began swimming during his lessons at school, but Lizzie was not a swimmer before we left Oman for the summer.  It was so important to me that she learn that we signed her up for lessons with The Swim Whisperer -- a woman in the Seattle area known for getting even the most reluctant kids swimming.  My kids are the opposite of reluctant, so I hoped that she would get Tommy swimming better and Lizzie swimming period.  And do you know what? SHE TOTALLY DID.  It is such a huge relief for me to have them water safe, especially as so many homes in Oman have pools...

You'll have to come see them to really get a sense of how amazing they are, but here are some photos.

She can dive after a week in the pool at Hood Canal.

PS:  No progress at all on Summer Goal Numero Dos: riding a bike without training wheels.

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