Wednesday, April 02, 2014

On Books and Empathy

The kids' school has book sales which look very much like those I remember from my own childhood except that the books are far more expensive and there is a mixture of British and American books.  Otherwise, same experience.  They send home a pamphlet that is the main entertainment for the few days we have it before the order is due, the kids each pick out a book or two, I pick out a book or two and then we deliver it to the library.  A couple of weeks later, the book orders are sent home.

The book orders were sent home yesterday in Tommy's class.  I discovered this when he burst off the school bus with the very saddest face you've ever seen.  This is abnormal for such a cheerful guy, and imagine my shock when he said, "EVERYBODY except me got their book order today!!!"

I knew I'd placed an order and quickly remembered that I had put Lizzie's name on the order, because I pick her up every day and Tommy takes the bus.  It seemed more considerate not to weigh him down with books when I could put them in the car myself.

It turns out that this attempt at consideration was quite hurtful.  I apologized and told him I'd never make that mistake again, and I thought we were mostly over it until Eli came in while I was reading to Tommy and asked him about his day.

"Well, there was one horrible part, but don't make Mommy feel bad because she already really does, but everybody else in the class got their book order but not me because Mommy had it sent to Lizzie's class but her class doesn't get their orders until tomorrow."

Eli turned toward me to tease me and started saying, "OH, MOMMY" in a shocked voice but Tommy sat up and said, "No!  Don't make her feel bad!"

Don't you think I have the sweetest kid in the whole wide world?  I totally do.

(And also, don't you think it's hard to predict what things are going to feel really important to kids? I like to think I'm pretty good at it, but sometimes I blow it completely.)

(Also again, Sid & Ollie arrive late tonight. They are currently flying over Romania.)

1 comment:

  1. Laura- That is the most endearing story - and I know that you have the most incredible son and I remember his empathy from almost three years ago when Chloe had just started college at UW and everyone was asking her about it and Tommy just wanted to be sure that she had friends at college. He was only 5 then, by my estimate, since he has his 8th birthday on Friday. Tell Sid and Ollie "hello" and I can't wait to read you blogs about their visit. Love, Kelley
