Wednesday, April 09, 2014

The Souq

I'm sorry I've been such a bad blogger!  Sid and Ollie have been here for a week now and I have been busy!  One morning, the kids and I took them to the Souq.  We all had a lot of fun.  Here are Lulu and Grandpa Ollie with a pretty part of the Souq ceiling above them.  She enjoys being on his shoulders because he is so tall!

Ollie wanted a kuma (the Omani hat), Tommy needed a new one, and Lizzie wanted this head piece because one of her classmates has one.  They really shook me down at the souq; they also each came home with a magnet.

These photos (except for the top one) were taken along the corniche - you walk back into the buildings to the left of the Mosque to get into the souq.  Tomorrow's post will include some photos of Grandma Sid.

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