Sunday, November 01, 2015

Halloween 2015

You know that we are the worst when it comes to costumes and we didn't disappoint this year. Actually, Tommy looked pretty proper as a knight. I bought him grey skinny jeans (SO ADORABLE ON HIS SKINNY LITTLE BODY) and drove all over Muscat to find gold spray paint but ended up with silver, and spray painted his sword. He wore the knight tunic and helmet that Grandma Nancy sewed for him (!) and he looked good.

For the Fall Festival, Lulu was Cinderella (made sense; a knight and a princess) but last night she insisted that she wanted to be a fairy. So she wore:
- Hand-me-down orange wings that don't fit too well and have lost quite a bit of glitter;
- a bright pink leotard with silver sparkles at the collar;
- a multi-colored, multi-layered tulle skirt;
 - a pale pink tiara and wand.

She looked silly. But she LOVED how she looked and scooted and ran all over the Wave like she owns the place.

We met up with lots of friends for trick or treating which was fun for the adults and the kids.
Eli and I went to a party after we got the kids to bed and we suck so we
had to go for costumes in the costume box.  I was Harry Potter. 

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